Showing posts from October, 2023

Assessments Test

Victory scored the highest in the overall take home assessment given last week. During the last w…


Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation by an element. This theory{Rad…

Falling and Rising Tones.

In English, falling and rising tones refer to the pitch patterns or intonation used in speech. Th…

Projectile Motion

Table of Content 1) Definition of Projectile Motion 2) Real life examples of Projectile Motion. 3…

Nervous Coordination

NERVOUS COORDINATION TABLE OF CONTENT: 1) What is Nervous System? 2) What are the branches of Ne…


WHAT ARE METALS?! Metals are a group of chemical elements characterized by their properties, whic…


Table of Content 1)Definition 2)Positioning 3)Addition   and  Subtraction  4)Scalar Multiplicatio…


In physics, waves refer to the propagation of energy through a medium or space without the physic…

Welcome to Go Learners

Welcome To Go Learners . Go learners is an online educational agency that is created for the main purpose o…

That is All