
Oxidation and Reduction

What is Oxidation? In classical terms, oxidation entails adding oxygen or an electronegative elem…

Energy Work and Power

What is Work? In physics, work is the energy transferred to or from an object by the application of a force. …


CIRCULATORY SYSTEM IN ORGANISMS. This is a continuation from the last blog about CIRCULATORY SYSTEM to read …


WHAT IS PARTIAL FRACTION?   Partial fractions   are the fractions used for the decomposition of a rational ex…


EXPANSIVITY Expansivity is the increase in the length of a substance when it's temperature increases by …

Digestive System

THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The digestive system of the human body comprises a group of organs working together to …


Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation by an element. This theory{Rad…

Projectile Motion

Table of Content 1) Definition of Projectile Motion 2) Real life examples of Projectile Motion. 3…

Nervous Coordination

NERVOUS COORDINATION TABLE OF CONTENT: 1) What is Nervous System? 2) What are the branches of Ne…


WHAT ARE METALS?! Metals are a group of chemical elements characterized by their properties, whic…


Table of Content 1)Definition 2)Positioning 3)Addition   and  Subtraction  4)Scalar Multiplicatio…

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