Partial fractions are the fractions used for the decomposition of a rational expression. When an algebraic expression is split into a sum of two or more rational expressions, then each part is called a partial fraction. Hence, basically, it is the reverse of the addition of rational expressions. Similar to fractions, a partial fraction will have a numerator and denominator, where the denominator represents the decomposed part of a rational function.

In mathematics, we can see many complex rational expressions. If we try to solve the problems in a complex form, it will take a lot of time to find the solution. To avoid this complexity, we have to continue the problem by reducing the complex form of the rational expression into the simpler form. Partial fraction decomposition is one of the methods, which is used to decompose rational expressions into simpler partial fractions. This process is more useful in the integration process. In this article, you will learn the definition of the partial fraction, partial fraction decomposition, partial fractions of an improper fraction with solved examples in detail.


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