Acid, Bases and Salts.

 Acids, Bases, and SaltsAcids:Definition: Acids are substances that donate protons (H⁺ ions) in aqueous solution.

Characteristics: Acids taste sour, turn blue litmus paper red, and react with metals to produce hydrogen gas.

Examples: Hydrochloric acid (HCl), sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄), citric acid (found in citrus fruits).


Definition: Bases are substances that accept protons or donate hydroxide ions (OH⁻) in aqueous solution.Characteristics: Bases taste bitter, feel slippery, turn red litmus paper blue, and are often used in cleaning agents.

Examples: Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), ammonia (NH₃).Salts:Definition: Salts are ionic compounds composed of positively charged ions (cations) and negatively charged ions (anions), formed by the reaction between an acid and a base.

Characteristics: Salts are typically crystalline solids, often soluble in water, and can conduct electricity when dissolved or molten.Examples: Sodium chloride (NaCl), calcium carbonate (CaCO₃), potassium nitrate (KNO₃).

Properties and Reactions:

Acid-Base Neutralization: When an acid reacts with a base, they neutralize each other to form water and a salt.

pH Scale: A measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution, ranging from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic), with 7 being neutral.Strong vs. 

Weak Acids/Bases: Strong acids and bases completely dissociate in water, while weak acids and bases only partially dissociate.

Buffer Solutions: Solutions that resist changes in pH when small amounts of acid or base are added, typically containing a weak acid and its conjugate base, or a weak base and its conjugate acid.

Applications:Industrial Processes: Acids and bases are used in various industrial processes, such as the production of fertilizers, detergents, and pharmaceuticals.

Food Industry: Acids and bases are used in food processing and preservation, such as in the production of cheese, soft drinks, and pickles.

Health and Medicine: Acids and bases play essential roles in biological systems, maintaining the pH balance in the body and aiding in digestion.

Understanding the properties and behaviors of acids, bases, and salts is fundamental in chemistry and has widespread applications in various fields..

 fundamental in chemistry and has widespread applications in various fields.

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