Government Systems


Systems and forms of government. 

*understanding the 5 main systems of government, understanding their merits and demerits, and their features.

*understanding various forms of government e.g





-monarchy etc

And the 5 main system of government which are

-the presidential system of government 

-unitary system of government 

-federal system of government 

-confederal system of government

-parliamentary system of government.

The presidential system of government: this is a system of government whereby the president is both head of state and government, in the sense that he is in charge of implementing and execution of government laws and policies, overseeing the day to day activities of the country, and head of state in the sense that he plays a figure head role, more like a ceremonial system of government, he is asymbol the countries sovereignty, represent the country in international conferences etc.

He is voted for by the people and serves a fixed term of office, typically 4 years.

The parliamentary system of government is a system of government whereby the prime minister is the head of government, and the president is the head of state. The priminister and the president are elected by the parliament, and are accountable to the parliament, they have no fixed tenor of office holding of office depends on the general decision of the parliament, veto power does not belong to the president or prime minister, but to the parliament, minister must be appointed from the parliament and no other party. These r few features of the parliamentary system of government. 

The unitary system of government: this sis a system of government whereby the states decides to come together to form an entity or country, by giving power to the central. They do this because of international relations or security. 

Some of the features are - each state is sovereign they have the power to make their own decision, and govern their country as they want

- weak central: they central authority, has limited interference the affairs of the state, he has no power to make law for any state or terminates and governor. 

- right to withdraw : each state is sovereign and can withdraw from this system if they do not want to continue. 

- no definate system of raising revenu: in the sense that revenue is gotten by the contributions of each state, it is not a forces or a definite system.

The unitary system of government is a system of government, whereby their is a strong central authority, there is concentration of power in the central authority, the central authority can delegate powers to regional authorities for effective administration, but they are all subject to the central authority. He has total control over all economic, social and political affairs of the country

* the federal system of government : this is a state of government where there is a clear separation of power between the various organs, typically the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. They each perform different function and have various responsibilities. This system helps to avoid concentration of power which will lead to tyranny and to bring about effective governance these are the 5 main systems of government. We will get to understand and break them down, understanding their features, merit and demerits in our classes time to time

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